Designing IRF Invitational 2024: A Journey from Sand to Sea


🌟It’s a wrap! Team Cacique is elated to celebrate the successful completion of the auspicious 2024 IRF Invitational at Baha Mar Resorts. Our heartfelt gratitude goes out to the Incentive Research Foundation (IRF) for their invaluable partnership, which allowed us to craft a unique Cacique experience for the “Golden Globes” of the Incentive & Motivation Industry. We invite you to enjoy our design journey - From Sand To Sea - filled with surprises, delights and enduring connections.

Sand Magic: Inspiring the Morning Educational Session 🏝️

For the morning Educational Session, we sprinkled Sand Magic into every corner, creating an atmosphere that was both inspiring and immersive. Amidst the straw, driftwood, messages in bottles, and assorted flotsam and jetsam of our experiential design, our “Sand People” worked their own magic to tap into attendees’ dreams and aspirations. Renowned Bahamian artist Shacqueel Coleby breathed life into dreams through a mesmerising collaborative art piece, while the inimitable Ben Nemtin inspired us all to fulfil our deepest desires in the short time we have on this planet, making the morning session a powerful and transformative experience.

Into The Blue: An Enchanting Evening Under the Sea 🤿 

As the day transitioned from morning to evening, we took our guests "From Sand To Sea" with the immersive "Into The Blue" theme for the Live Auction night dinner & reception. This mesmerising journey beneath the ocean's surface, inspired by the stunning underwater panoramas of our island nation, was brought to life through an original palette of aquatic decor and Audio-Visual choreography. The enchanting submarine lighting experience was complemented by a cast of mythical aquatic characters that transported attendees into the fathoms of their own imaginations. Squid dancers gracefully moved as if swimming through the water, while singers’ voices echoed like mermaid songs. Pianists and steel drummers provided a captivating soundtrack, blending classical and Caribbean rhythms to create a uniquely “Into The Blue” auditory experience.


For us at Cacique, the 2024 IRF Invitational was more than just an event; it was a celebration of creativity, collaboration, and connection. We are thrilled to have had the opportunity to work alongside the amazing minds at the Incentive Research Foundation to put together an event that was truly out of this world. We hope everyone enjoyed the experience as much as we did designing it. May the magic linger, and the spell of Sand & Sea continue to ignite dreams and inspire imaginations…until the next one ;) 🌟

To Just Imagine your Cacique Event, browse the gallery here ;)